
We are Ashigaru - Parkour & Freerunning. Since 2006 we helped growing this sport and still have an essential impact on it. Many of the best and most experienced German-speaking athletes constitute our team and together we are keen on pushing boundaries - in regard to our athletic as well as our professional accomplishments. This includes show performances for renowned clients, stunts for movie productions and sports modeling for international campaigns. As a young agency we develop and put into practise thrilling projects and supply outstanding athletes that suit your project - be it live-performances, movies or advertisement. It is our passion is to fascinate through movement and confer the dynamic power and aesthetics of our sport onto products and brands. We dare to go fresh and creative paths once more.  

Jack Reacher 2 Premiere

Im Oktober 2016 fand die Filmpremiere von „Jack Reacher 2“ in Berlin im Sony Center statt. Einige unserer Athleten hatten die Ehre, live auf dem roten Teppich vor Stars und Sternchen aus Hollywood und Deutschland zu performen. Das Team lieferte eine spektakuläre Performance ab, die Tom Cruise und Cobie Smulders sogar aus nächster Nähe beobachten wollten und sich direkt in die erste Reihe neben unsere Choreographen Enis Maslic und Pascal Bueb platzierten. Eine spezielle 360 Grad Kamera übertrug die Show live im Internet, so dass man mitten im Geschehen stehen und die Show aus jedem Winkel von zu Hause aus miterleben konnte. Auf unseren 4 Parkour Obstacles zeigten unsere Athleten was sie drauf haben – und das nicht umsonst: Actionprofi Tom Cruise war sichtlich beeindruckt und zollte allen Athleten persönlichen Respekt. 
 Wie immer hatte unser Team trotz harter Arbeitstage auch eine Menge Spaß. Das Showteam bestand aus Benjamin Grams, Endijs Miscenko, Marc Busch, Matthias Mayer, Silke Sollfrank und unserem guten Freund Jannis Schauer. Und auch unser Kameramann Alexander Kehrwald leistete großartige Arbeit mit sportlichen Aufnahmen und behind-the-secene Material, dass man hier sehen kann:

Parkour Show for FC Bayern Basketball and Audi

The second home match of the FC Bayern Basketball against ALBA Berlin took place in the Audi Dome in Munich, on Sunday the 16th octobre 2016. Our athletes Marc, Benni, Andi, Endijs, Matthias and Raffi were there and performed a spectacular halftime show. Its goal was to draw attention on the new Audi Q2 and of course to entertain the crowd. With 9000 sports-mad people on the tribunes, our performance was rewarded with a hell of an atmosphere, cheering and pure fun for our athletes. Our cameraman Alex Kehrwald caught a few glimpses of the spectacle. You can see the video her:


The Roadshow for AXA in February '17 was one of the longest jobs I've have ever had. Together with my teammate Andi Wöhle along with two breakdancers from our partner agency FogelKaiser we choreographed a show and perfomed in 5 Cities in Germany – including Berlin and Munich. It was interesting to see how from show to show our Teamdynamic grew, how we got more routine and how we learned to know eachother better. And after all it was great to visit 5 different cities in Germany. Have fun watching the video!

By |2022-11-22T13:25:38+01:0023. April 2017|Andreas Wöhle, Marc Busch, Performance, Uncategorized|0 Comments


The job for DJI at the Photokina in Cologne was the first job, where I was completely on my own. No supervisor, no choreographer. Just me and the obstacle course. Although the situation was so new to me, I felt directly at ease. The droning pilot André Becker presented the different features of the new drone and then followed me on my runs and filmed. I choreographed the runs myself, which gave me a very great playful freedom. In retrospect, it was one of the most beautiful experiences in my career as a parkour athlete. – Marc Busch Here is the video for the show. Have fun !  

By |2022-11-22T13:26:47+01:0021. April 2017|Marc Busch, Performance|0 Comments


For the agency events4brands from Hamburg, Ashigaru staged a brilliant Parkour and action show, with spectacular jumps, martial-arts and chases. The main idea of the show was "good versus evil" and that the viewers should have the feeling of being in the middle of the action. It was easy to get the audience excited by our athletes Enis Maslic, Aaron Martin, Julian Würzler, Matthias Meyer, Benjamin Grams, Andreas Wöhle and our choreographer Pascal Bueb. You can find a summary of the show here:    

Audi Kitzrace

The Streif (or the Hahnenkamm-race) is a household name for every skiing fan. We were in Kitzbühel at the event and had the honour to fascinate the special guests at the soiree after the race with our very own passion Parkour & Freerunning. As the motto for the event was "The great gatsby", our athletes performed in the style of the 20s - with smoking and bow tie of course. It was blast for us to watch the spectacular race on the afternoon and especially to introduce our own sport to these sport-enthusiastics. The british actor Luke Evans, who was among the spectators (among others, as Arnold Schwarzenegger), took his time to congratulate on our performance and ask us some questions about Parkour. You can see little edit of our show here:  


In November 2015 Carglass presented its best glass installers at its annual event and team Ashigaru provided a huge dose of action. The Landschaftspark in Duisburg offered an unusual show location. From a balcony, the audience had a perfect view of our performance, which was lined up on a red carpet next to 20 Mercedes. Fortunately, our team has its own obstacles ready and so all the cars have survived unharmed - even if they haven´t been spared of a few somersaults over the bonnet. The Ashigaru athletes Julian Würzler, Matthias Mayer, Andreas Wöhle, Marc Busch, Raffael Debatin, and Enis Maslic were enthusiastic about the elaborate choreography of Pascal Bueb. All in all, we can only say: awesome location, awesome music, awesome mood. Anytime again!

Porsche Leipzig

Matthias, Andreas und Benni hatten die Ehre Teil einer gigantischen Showreihe auf mehreren Abendveranstaltungen für Porsche zu sein. Einen Monat verbrachten sie in Leipzig um mit ihren Künsten neben den besten Tänzern Europas, Akrobaten vom Cirque du Soleil und aus China, einer Handstand Legende aus der Ukraine und weiteren Größen aus Berlin, eine 25 minütige Show zu begleiten. Die verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Athleten mit Parkour & Freerunning boten eine perfekte Ergänzung der gesamten Show und brachten ihr die gewünschte extra Action.

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